I originally sent this to dhcp-hackers, but this address seems more appropriate. The behavior when defining an option space to encapsulate inside the vendor.* universe, that's supposed to be sent as option 125 in the leases the server hands out is not working as advertised in the "VENDOR ENCAPSULATED OPTIONS" section. Option 125 is never sent this way. Googling indicates the most common workaround is to either manually encapsulate vendor options in a big hex blob, or to redefine an option space for option 125, and not use the implicit vendor.* universe. The latter solution presents its own set of problems. To poke the value in a way that causes 125 to be sent ends up encapsulating an extra bogus vendor. The problem is that there's an early return in hashed_option_space_encapsulate. Its job seems to be to determine when there are values set in a particular universe that should be included as outgoing encapsulated options. There's an early return when the universe it's examining is NULL, and in the case of the vendor.* universe, it will always be NULL because nothing directly sets its value. The magic that checks whether there are suboptions that should be encapsulated in its value never gets a chance to execute. The attached patch fixes it for me. And here's a dhcpd.conf that demonstrates the bug: option space dslforum-org code width 1 length width 1 hash size 6; option dslforum-org.DeviceManufacturerOUI code 1 = text; option dslforum-org.DeviceSerialNumber code 2 = text; option dslforum-org.DeviceProductClass code 3 = text; option dslforum-org.GatewayManufacturerOUI code 4 = text; option dslforum-org.GatewaySerialNumber code 5 = text; option dslforum-org.GatewayProductClass code 6 = text; option vendor.dslforum-org code 3561 = encapsulate dslforum-org; class "dslforum.org" { vendor-option-space dslforum-org; match if ( exists dslforum-org.DeviceManufacturerOUI or exists dslforum-org.DeviceSerialNumber or exists dslforum-org.DeviceProductClass ); set DeviceManufacturerOUI = option dslforum-org.DeviceManufacturerOUI; set DeviceSerialNumber = option dslforum-org.DeviceSerialNumber; set DeviceProductClass = option dslforum-org.DeviceProductClass; option dslforum-org.GatewayManufacturerOUI "MyGatewayOUI"; option dslforum-org.GatewaySerialNumber "MyGatewaySerial"; option dslforum-org.GatewayProductClass "MyGatewayProductClass"; option dhcp-parameter-request-list = concat(option dhcp-parameter-request-list, 7D); } subnet netmask { range; option routers; option domain-name "yourdomainhere.com"; option domain-name-servers; } ----- And a corresponding dhclient.conf option space dslforum-org code width 1 length width 1 hash size 6; option dslforum-org.DeviceManufacturerOUI code 1 = text; option dslforum-org.DeviceSerialNumber code 2 = text; option dslforum-org.DeviceProductClass code 3 = text; option dslforum-org.GatewayManufacturerOUI code 4 = text; option dslforum-org.GatewayserialNumber code 5 = text; option dslforum-org.GatewayProductClass code 6 = text; option vendor.dslforum-org code 3561 = encapsulate dslforum-org; interface "eth1" { vendor option space dslforum-org; send vivso 00:00:0D:E9:1A:01:05:4D:79:4F:55:49:02:08:4D:79:53:65:72:69:61:6C:03:07:4D:79:43:6C:61:73:73; send vendor-class-identifier "MyClass:dslforum.org"; request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name, vivso; script "/dev/null"; } alias { interface "eth1"; fixed-address; option subnet-mask; } ----- I haven't yet figured out what the expected syntax is for defining an encapsulated string that should be sent in a lease request via dhclient, other than creating a hex blob. In the mean time, this perl one-liner can generate an appropriate client vivso: perl -e 'print join(":", map { sprintf("%02X", $_) } unpack("C*", pack("NC/a*", 3561, pack("(CC/a)*", 1, "MyOUI", 2, "MySerial", 3, "MyClass"))))."\n";'