Hello Timo: Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. We're looking at final cuts for what will go into our next release, 4.4.0, tentatively due out January 2018. The plate is pretty full at this point. You are correct in that the (debian) dhclient-script does not require the files to be run to have the executable flag set while the man page could be leave one with that impression. We are typically loath to change long standing behavior that might break installations unexpectedly so whether we alter the script or clarify the man page will have to be determined. We certainly want our software to operate are users expect. As a small, non-profit we have to allocate our resources carefully and oil the wheels that are squeakiest. Regardless of what we do with your issue, we will keep you posted. Again, we appreciate you taking the time to report the issue and for suggesting a solution too. Regards, Thomas Markwalder ISC Software Engineering