"Thomas Markwalder via RT" writes: > Hello Pavel: Hello Thomas, > > A few questions. First, what version of dhcpd are you testing? > Secondly, could you describe the exact steps you are conducting to > cause the leak? dhcp-server-4.3.5-9.fc26.x86_64 I've tested both Fedora's and RHEL versions. RHEL has 4.2.5 and Fedora 4.3.5 released. Steps to Reproduce: 1. configure omapi port and start dhcpd 2. ncat -z (or telnet <<< "" ) 3. lsof | grep dhcpd | grep TCP | wc -l > > Thanks, > > Thomas Markwalder > ISC Software Engineering -- PAVEL ZHUKOV SOFTWARE ENGINEER, RHCE, RHCVA Red Hat pzhukov@redhat.com IM: IRC: landgraf